It's That Time of Year!

Spring has sprung and so have the 2017 BC Choral Federation Raffle Tickets.  Please don't stop reading!!!  Except for the Boston Pizza and Return-it casual fundraisers, the BCCF raffle is the only fundraiser the board is asking you to participate in this year.  It can generate $1200 for the ROCA coffers.  All money goes into the general account to benefit both chorus and orchestra. The prizes are great!  Cool, hard cash of $3000, $2000, $1000 and 10 prizes of $100 each. 

ROCA is given 100 books to sell and we must sell all of them or pay a penalty for those not sold. WE CANNOT JUST RETURN UNSOLD BOOKS. 

Please consider buying at least one whole book (only $20) for yourself.  And then buy one as a birthday or Mother's Day gift.  Buy one for someone as a thank you.  Buy one for your neighbour who raked up all your leaves while you were away last fall (that one's for me!). 

An anonymous donor has already bought 2 books for us to give away as prizes.  One goes to the person who sells the most (3 or more). Anyone selling 2 or more books will be entered into a draw for the second book.  A few years ago, one of these prize tickets won a big cash prize, $2000 I believe. 

Karen has the chorus tickets and Robert has the orchestra tickets.  Please get yours on Tuesday and sell, sell, sell!!

